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Fan Casting Roles for Eyeless Jack Chapter II



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7 comments on Eyeless Jack Chapter II

  • misterwolf Plot: Jane Tompkins mourns for the death of her father-figure, John Rachet. She plans to tell Ratchet's family of his demise, but her life has taken a turn for the worse; her remorseful father has been sentenced to public execution which will be held on 2023; her mother is dying of a fatal heart attack due to alcoholism; and her childhood friend and fellow detective, Daniel Jones, was killed in a car crash.

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  • misterwolf Jane travels to Los Angeles alongside Abby Elliott, Ratchet's niece, and tells Ratchet's widow, Martha, of his murder, as well as her best friend, Hannah, who is Ratchet and Martha's daughter. After informing them, she discovers a pool of black slime, and begins recognizing it.

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  • misterwolf Ratchet's brother, Harold, becomes the new police chief, and Jane shows him a piece of the slime, telling him that she recognizes it from a case she has done before. He tells her to investigate it tomorrow.

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  • misterwolf While driving home, Jane feels an evil presence watching her and starts crying, but manages to make it to her house safely. A traumatized and horrified Jane realizes that Eyeless Jack has returned from death for more victims in Los Angeles. Jack targets Jane's friend, Said, as his first victim, attempting to cut him open and take his kidney, but Abby arrives and saves Said after Jane told her about Jack.

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  • misterwolf Harold authorizes the hunt for Eyeless Jack, and puts Jane in charge of it, alongside Abby, Officer Liam, Jane Richardson, and her old friend and the FBI profiler Rowland. Jack hospitalizes Cormac Leamy again, but he survives, with his horrified son Tate trying to find the killer's new weakness. Jane, Abby, Liam, Richardson and Rowland fight Jack, and Hannah and Harold arrive to help. Jack is wounded, and hides in order to recover, while Harold tells the others to escape. Jack appears and slits Harold's throat, nearly killing him.

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  • misterwolf Harold is taken to the hospital, while Tate discovers Eyeless Jack's new weakness: acid. Jane decides to fight Eyeless Jack head-on, and they meet at an abandoned asylum. In the ensuing fight, Jane is impaled in the abdomen, but she dumps acid on Jack, weakening him enough that he loses the ability to walk. Jane initially refuses to kill or arrest him, but after he speaks ill of John Ratchet and calls him a "cheapskate", she angrily stomps on his head, killing him.

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  • misterwolf In the aftermath, Jane and Harold recover from their injuries in the hospital, with Jane being saved by her husband, Trevor, who is the firemen chief in the fire department. Jane is visited by her daughter, Sophia, and they tearfully reconcile with each other after a series of arguments after the beginning of the film. Jane is awarded with a new rank, Captain, in the LAPD by the mayor, with both her family and Ratchet's family watching as the end credits roll.

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