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Forums » Issues » jeremyniles and meridian3224

If this creep stops trolling me, I'll consider it. However, he has shown that he has no intention of stopping despite my innocence and the lack of evidence to support his claim.
I don't want to see either of you arguing anymore.
You have no authority to say that. You also clearly don't understand what's going on. This doesn't concern you. So either be helpful or f-off.
I clearly do have the authority to say such things. You can't keep fighting other users like this.
You have no authority on this site. Everyone here is on an equal footing. And in case you haven't noticed, I never start fights. I started this thread essentially asking "What's up with these two? Has anyone else had issues here?" and then jeremyniles came in guns blazing and made this a fight. So you need to seriously stfu about things that you clearly don't understand or have any sort of stake in.
Then explain the reasons why you blocked me?
If you bothered to read this thread then you would know that I did.