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Forums » Issues » jeremyniles and meridian3224

then he is a troll, who acts as your second account, which is activated at the same time as yours and deactivated at exactly the same time as yours. a troll, so this place would be better without him, as you said earlier.
You are the troll, what do you think that because you say it has to be true
You are the troll, what do you think that because you say it has to be true

No, it is because I have sufficiently substantiated my position. Unlike you, I use logic and evidence, not anecdotes and lies.
false. You have not presented your position substantially, you have only told your anecdotes with your supposed friend. I have events in my favor, each story in which I vote is evidence of what I do and that I do not harm anyone, only a troll and his friend.
This shows your general lack of awareness. I have proven this in other places on this site. The fact that you don't know this shows that you didn't do your homework. There are a few things that you have shown yourself to be consistent in: you are a troll and you aren't ashamed of that, you deny reason and act as if your personal unsubstantiated anecdotes supersede facts, and you have laid out clearly that you really don't care about justice, you only care about eliminating someone that you don't like and any allies to that person (even if you have to lie in order to do it). I'm not going to waste my time with trash like you anymore, so don't expect me to respond to whatever BS you will inevitably throw out against me. Contrary to what morons like you think, I have a life off of myCast, and it currently requires my undivided attention.
Well, this shows your lack of logic, who did not do your homework is you, you did not even review what I really do, you only accuse because what I say and the arguments I have to say that you are a troll are based on reality and logic Contrary to you, you think that because you say it is true, what I saw in other threads is that there are many who know that you are the true troll.
Guys, guys, can we at least stop all this arguing.
No, that's not going to happen. This piece of trash comes out of nowhere, starts trolling me, and ADMITS to trolling me for something that I didn't do. So no, I'm not going to just sit back and take it while some douche on the internet is allowed to openly sabotage my ideas with multiple accounts!
Again with the hollow words. There is nothing illogical about what I said. What you are doing is attempting to discredit what I am saying by saying that it lacks logic, but you have yet again failed to provide anything specific to support your claim. Your statement lacks anything that could resemble substance. I did my homework on you. In fact, I made this post because I noticed your patterns. In fact, I have been suspicious of you and your sock puppet accounts for a while now. The fact that I was even aware enough to create this forum discredits your claim that I didn't do my homework. Again, if I'm a troll "based on reality and logic", then why haven't you provided any specifics? If I'm so obviously a troll then it should be easy to prove it. But every time that I ask you never do. Ignoring the fact that I have actually more than adequately defended myself and lordhyperbreath, the burden of proof lies with the accuser to prove the accused's guilt, not vice versa. In other words, just in case you don't understand basic legal-ese 101, it's your job to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I am a troll, not my job to prove that I am not a troll. As for your claim, "you think that because you say it is true": (1) you just showed that you are a complete hypocrite with no standards. Your entire attack on me is based on your BS conclusion and your refusal to hear reason because you claim is true. Why? Because you said so. (2) I don't know what threads you were looking at. There were very few people who were attacking me in the threads. Of those people, most of them had an agenda against me to begin with. You're also ignoring the people who came to my defense in the threads. And you claim that I'm the one in denial of basic facts? What you are doing is pathetic and you are doing a horrible job of hiding your vendetta against me. Your "arguments" (though it's insulting to logic to call what you have made by that name) are flimsy and easily debunked or discredited. You couldn't be more transparent with this. In essence what you have done is target someone with multiple accounts because another user liked a lot of my suggestions (but not even close to all of them). Then, as a direct result of you trashing all of my suggestions, this person starts upvoting all of my suggestions because he feels bad about people like you beating up on my suggestions for no reason. In response, you try to remove myself and this person from the site. These are classic predatory tactics and anyone who can't see that needs to actually think about what the ramifications of defending proud trolls like yourself are.
As for you, there are two reasons that I blocked you. (1) You blocked me for no reason. That usually means that you bear ill will and don't want me to be able to defend myself or my suggestions. So it was in part precautionary. (2) You add NOTHING to this site. You float around making pointless comments that do not add anything productive to the conversation. But more importantly, you insert yourself in matters that don't concern you in the slightest and you usually make a very ignorant or tone-deaf comment. jeremyniles admitted to trolling me with multiple accounts and I'm calling him out for it, but you felt the need to insert yourself in and tell us to stop fighting. No! I'm being falsely accused and trolled! I have every right to defend myself against my attacker! And you have no business getting involved. This, matt2001, is why you are blocked.
Well first your arguments if they lack logic, because you only talk about anecdotes with your supposed friend, based only on what you say is true, without proof, you want proof of what I am saying is only to visit your profile and Lordhyperbreath's, and see that each of your suggestions has at least one vote more than Lordhyperbreath's, if you change your mind, as you did recently, he does too, and you also admitted in this thread that your supposed friend does this for justice, then you admitted Also that he is a troll, it is only to visit your profile and his. Regarding what you defend, I do present my accusation in a substantial way, going to the logic and the activity that you and your other friend do on this site, regarding the points you list: 1. I am not a hypocrite, you are , accusing me of troll when in this thread you admitted with your own words that your friend does the same as me but with you. All your arguments are based solely on your personal experience with him, but there is no proof that what you say is true. Just your word, then if your argument is, "if I say it it's true." 2. are you serious? only a few people, in case you do not remember, you were nominated among the worst users of this page, and you were only surpassed by your other account, there have been at least 4 threads complaining about the unusual activity of your accounts, attacking stories of new users, and you only defend yourself by saying that he is only a friend, without an opinion that comes to do justice for a poor misunderstood like you. And finally, you say that he does this because he feels bad about the claims they make about you, well I do it because I feel bad for people who receive massive downvotes on their suggestions from you and your supposed friend.
You both are starting to act like those two users known as trolls_b_gone and dylanemery. Now stop it!
Again, you say that you have substantial support but then the "substantial support" that you cite is vague and lacking any depth. You continue to show that you are just going by what you said and not engaging in analytical thought. Like I said, he only votes "yes" on all my stuff because of people like you who come out of nowhere and start attacking me. And I never said that he was a troll, you did. You have just tried another malevolent and disingenuous tactic by trying to put words in my mouth. As for your counter points: (1) You absolutely are a hypocrite. The difference between what you do and what lordhyperbreath does is that you are just some douche who has admitted to using multiple accounts to bully me and tank my castings. lordhyperbreath is an independent party who came to his friend's defense when some a-hole was attacking him for no reason. I didn't ask lordhyperbreath to do anything. He's his own person and he acts on his own. I have not engaged in the "if I say it it's true" argument. I have gone into detail about the nature of the real life relationship between myself and lordhyperbreath. That is the best that anyone can do short of doxing themselves (which I won't do for obvious reasons). (2) Yes, only a few REAL people. I remember being nominated for the worst. I also remember that a lot of the accounts that voted "yes" bore a suspicious resemblance to your sock puppet account THAT YOU ADMITTED YOU HAVE. And as a matter of your lack of awareness, did you notice that both myself and lordhyperbreath voted "yes" on lordhyperbreath as the worst user? That's because my friend lordhyperbreath is not the first lordhyperbreath. The first lordhyperbreath was a troll who used 4 accounts to crush everyone and impose only his will on others. Myself and several other users stood up to him and he eventually got kicked off of the site. All that to say, you should read the bio of the lordhyperbreath that everyone agreed was the worst: For everyone seeing this thread, here is what it says in case this freak tries to change it in order to make me look bad: "The original. Also went by starjammer." This is the lordhyperbreath that is currently active: Furthermore, if you knew what was going on behind the scenes, those 4 threads were created by people have had it in for me long before trolls like you came around and lordhyperbreath stepped in. So a simple examination of motives debunked your point about that. And lordhyperbreath was expressing his opinion until fighting trolls like you ate up so much of his time that he had on this site. You can say that you do this because you care about the other users, but the ease with which you ignore logic and basic facts and then use the void created by what you have ignored clearly demonstrated that you have motives that are much more selfish and vengeful than you want this site to think.
You both are starting to act like those two users known as trolls_b_gone and dylanemery. Now stop it!

Did you even read what I wrote to you above? You have no business here. You are trying to enable an unashamed troll and that is not acceptable!
I did what I had to do, now would you please make amends with jeremyniles.
No, I won't. He's still trolling my suggestions. If by doing what you have to do you mean enabling trolls and standing against honest users then you are doing a FANTASTIC job.
Again, you ignore the logic and take us for fools that just because you say you have a friendly relationship with lordhyperbreath, it must be true. Why should we believe in you? The arguments I present are based on the experience of the users who were trolled by you, in their stories with your 2 accounts. and regarding the whores that you say you have refuted, the only thing you do is turn the matter around and attack me. 1. You are the hypocrite, you did not say that lordhyperbreath is a troll, that is the only truth in everything you said, but you say that I am a troll because I vote no on your suggestions, as lordhyperbreath does with all the others suggestions, and you tell me troll for voting yes on all the other suggestions except yours, which is what lordhyperbreath does with your suggestions, but wait you say that he does it because there are trolls that are harassing you, but it is not what I saw before I start what I do. What accounts harass you in the stories of new users? just me. 2. If you remember, because you were nominated, you accuse me of creating false accounts so that your nomination goes up, but what you say is false, I only trolled you with 2 accounts, like you, martianmanhunter02 and lordhyperbreath, I say it again, the troll here is you. the only dissatisfaction with what I do here is you. With your answer you only demonstrated your lack of coherence, logic and understanding. the 4 threads you mention are all about you being a troll, and that is the only thing you say: "he's just a friend" Without evidence without evidence, and you say that your arguments are substantial, you act like a child obsessed with having everyone accept your opinion as unique. Should I apologize for wanting the other suggestions to have a say?
We are getting nowhere with making amends, now stop it!
Yes, I will. Don't worry, it's not worth arguing with him anymore. I won't answer anymore, he just turns the matter around like an obsessed child. thanks.
Will martianmanhunter02 make amends as well?