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Forums » Issues » jeremyniles and meridian3224

Well, as you said, I only made 10 suggestions, and if you don't agree with them, that's fine. It would be stupid to hate you and troll you for just 10 suggestions. so what you say is not logical,
Yes this page will be better off without people like us.
If you stop trolling I will not trolling you anymore
Well, as you said, I only made 10 suggestions, and if you don't agree with them, that's fine. It would be stupid to hate you and troll you for just 10 suggestions. so what you say is not logical,

I agree that it would be stupid to hate and troll someone over something like that. However, what I say is not illogical because it has happened to me no less than FIVE TIMES (four of which straight up admitted to that being the reason that they were trolling me). So no, it's not illogical to think that could be the case because I have observed and verified that happening on several occasions.
well, this is not the case, you are a troll and what I do is that the other suggestions are not trolled by you.
You admit again that we would be better off without you. However, I'm not engaging in any troll behavior (unlike you, who have confessed several times on this thread alone that you have). So I reject your premise that the site would be better off without me because I'm just doing what every other NORMAL person on this site does. You, on the other hand, have just demonstrated that you are aware of your own wrongdoing and toxic behavior.
If you stop trolling I will not trolling you anymore

And you have now explicitly admitted to being a troll. I do not troll people. I do not run lordhyperbreath. You have consistently provided no evidence that I am a troll while simultaneously giving abundant evidence that you ARE a troll.
well, this is not the case, you are a troll and what I do is that the other suggestions are not trolled by you.

You can say that as many times as you like, but that does not make it true.
you are a troll, you want us to believe that Lordhyperbreath is just a friend with no opinion of his own who only upvotes your suggestions without exception, that when you change your mind he does too, that when you are not active he is not either, a user who literally has has no suggestions. are you serious?.
well you can see it in the stories in which I participate
you are a troll, you want us to believe that Lordhyperbreath is just a friend with no opinion of his own who only upvotes your suggestions without exception, that when you change your mind he does too, that when you are not active he is not either, a user who literally has has no suggestions. are you serious?.

He is a friend, which I have laid out in no uncertain terms as being completely reasonable. He has his opinions. He and I have had many movie-related debates. If you actually followed his history he would vote yes and no on my suggestions. The fact of the matter is that he started voting yes on all of my suggestions because of people like you who were attacking my suggestions with multiple accounts. So by the convoluted logic that you are trying to apply, lordhyperbreath is in the right for upvoting my suggestions because he is "only claim[ing] for justice to a troll like you". As for timing, we're both college students. I don't know how much you know about college, but classes are generally held between 8 AM and 3 PM. Therefore, we are both unavailable during that time. And then we are both free once classes are done. So your timetable argument lacks logical cohesion. Furthermore, he has made 8 suggestions of his own, meaning that either that you didn't bother to get your facts straight or he blocked you because you started directing your toxic behavior towards him and you can't see his account.
Yes. Normal people make suggestions, vote on what they like or don't like, and move on with life. That is what I do. That is what 90% of users on this site do. You are part of that other 10% AKA the trolls.
So he is a troll, who upvotes every opinion of yours, who does the same as you, downvotes all other suggestions, whose account is only activated when yours is active, who left his own opinion just to do justice to an i understood as you. really?
exactly. that is normal, what is not normal is that you use 2 accounts to do exactly the same thing, that is what a troll does
exactly. that is normal, what is not normal is that you use 2 accounts to do exactly the same thing, that is what a troll does

Which is what you do. Not me.
is what you also do with your accounts
So he is a troll, who upvotes every opinion of yours, who does the same as you, downvotes all other suggestions, whose account is only activated when yours is active, who left his own opinion just to do justice to an i understood as you. really?

That was his choice. I didn't ask him to do it. And he is not a troll, he is just trying to defend my honor from people like you who have some insane and logically inconsistent vendetta. So logically, when people like you leave, he'll go back to voting his opinions.
I only have one voting account, you insane troll.