Fan Casting Annie Potts as Justine in Why Him? (1986)

chris83 made this fan casting suggestion on July 12, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Annie Potts as Justine in Why Him? (1986)

Annie PottsUnited States

71 years old
Anne Hampton Potts (born October 28, 1952) is an American actress. She was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Corvette Summer (1978) and won a Genie Award for Heartaches (1981), before appearin...
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Fan Casting

Annie Potts


Justine (Voice)


Why Him? (1986)

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Why Him? (1986)

Why Him? (1986)

What if the comedy Why Him? had been made 30 years earlier
by 20th Century Fox
A holiday gathering threatens to go off the rails when Ned Fleming realizes that his daughter's Silicon Valley millionaire boyfriend is about to pop the question.
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0 comments on Annie Potts as Justine in Why Him? (1986)

Annie Potts is known for her roles in Toy Story 2, Toy Story 4, and Toy Story. She has been suggested by fans for 495 roles on myCast, including Martha Kent in Actresses who should play Martha Kent in James Gunn's Superman . Similar actors include Geena Davis, Sigourney Weaver, and Sally Field. Annie Potts was suggested to play Justine in Why Him? (1986) by chris83. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Susan Sarandon, Emma Thompson, and Dana Delany. Why Him? (1986) has 16 roles, including Laird Mayhew, Stephanie Fleming, and Scotty Fleming.

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