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1 comment on Akinator

  • peterjudge04 The genie's name is Akinator, and tells them that he can guess every person they're thinking about. The two men decide to stop their affair to take Akinator to the states to make him a celebrity, with them gaining some money too. At New York, Akinator becomes a guest star in every TV show, with Jeff and Arnold being his agents and with people not knowing he's a genie. A television producer named Lori Jane, who has a crush on the genie, proposes him to do a show for her leaving his two old agents. Not knowing the value of money, nor how flirting works, Akinator accepts. In the meantime Arnold starts a relationship with a make up artist named Lilly, while Jeff finds out a milita of Arab terrorists want the genie to make him his slave, since they consider him a menace to them. The terrorist capture Jeff, Arnold and Lilly and menace to kill em on national TV. Seeing them, Akinator leaves Lori Jane, saves his friends and comes back in his lamp, renouncing to success.

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