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Forums » Questions » Deleting account deletes all my fancasts?

If I end up having to make a new account as my last account becomes broken, having myself delete my old account will make all my fancasts erased?
Your fancasts will remain but will they be as "Fan casting suggestion made by: user_401."
If you deleted your acc, your fancasts and stories still remains, but the votes that you made will be gone. It's a different story if you got banned tho, if you're banned, all of your stuff (such as stories, casting suggestions, votes that you made on casting suggestions, comments that you've made on other stories, along with photos that you've uploaded) will be gone completely.
If you deleted your acc, your fancasts and stories still remains, but the votes that you made will be gone. It's a different story if you got banned tho, if you're banned, all of your stuff (such as stories, casting suggestions, votes that you made on casting suggestions, comments that you've made on other stories, along with photos that you've uploaded) will be gone completely.

Better than being banned anyway.