Known For

Wolf Ruvinskis is known for:

  • Cantinflas: El señor doctor
    It's about a country doctor that comes to the city while a clinic is built in his home town... he rubs off his care and compassion on others at the hospital with his humor and wit.
  • Cantinflas: El patrullero 777
    Follows Diogenes as he goes about his day as a police officer. He's prone to do things the right way, surrounded by a pretty much corrupt & citizen distant police department, & always resolves his duties with a personal method.
  • Caballero a la medida
    Cantinflas works as a model of tuxedos in a prestigious store, your job is to use the smoking in the street along with an advertising sign on his back. The use of smoking gives you access to exclusive places and meet important people. During this time, Cantinflas was the manager of an amateur boxer, it is an attractive nurse assistant and occasionally attending a priest in the church and the orphanage. However, a Cantinflas day while wearing tuxedo, is a rich man, who mistakenly believe that Cantinflas is a millionaire too.

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