Known For

Ingela Olsson is known for:

  • As It Is in Heaven
    A musical romantic tragedy about a famous composer who moves back to his small hometown after having had heart troubles. His search for a simple everyday life leads him into teaching the local church choir which is not easily accepted by the town yet the choir builds a great love for their teacher.
  • Tommy
    After a year abroad Estelle returns home to collect her husband's share of the loot from a major robbery.
  • His and Hers
    Johan and Anna-Karin have been a couple for years but despite many attempts, Anna-Karin doesn't get pregnant. A visit to a fertility clinic shows why: Johan's sperm quality is too low. Johan is waiting to take over his father's farm, but what's the point if they can never have children? The news also puts a strain on their relationship since Anna-Karin desperately wants to be a mother.

Top Casting Suggestions

Not suggested for any roles yet.