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6 comments on MCU - X-men II: Second Genesis

  • averywilliams A group of scientist investigate a mysterious island that has appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the sea. As they explore its bizarre alien fauna they are attacked by the island itself. One of the scientist is confronted by a humanoid figure and is seemingly evaporated in a blast of radial energy.(The figure gives the illusion of being Alex Summmers)
  • averywilliams Its been months since the events of Children of the Atom and the Sentator Kelly has used the Acolytes actions as a platform to achieve political power. Elsewhere the Xmen struggle with operating in a world that Hates and Fears them with Storm being forced to take leadership of the team in the absence of Scott who is spending all of his time searching for his brother Alex. Lorna who has joined the team proves to green in the use of her powers and a liability and during an attempt to save a young mutant nearly causes a disaster. Storm and Scott come to blows over his abandonment of the team and the situation is interrupted by Charles who assisting Scott has seemingly found a brain pattern that resembles Alex. As Scott goes forth to investigate, the rest of the Xmen choose to join him out of solidarity though Lorna is left behind because things could be too dangerous. The Xmen with Charles in tow arrive at the mysterious island from the cold open where it once again comes alive to attempt to kill them. Using their abilities the group is able to survive its dangers only to be attacked by a group of humanoid figures. Scott is struck by one of them whose unique energy powers don’t work on him and confusing him for his brother is knocked out alongside the rest of the team. Recognizing the hopelessness Charles removes the limiters who placed on a comatose Jean Grey causing her to awaken and informing her of the danger of the situation
  • averywilliams Jean who has awoken fills in a frightened lorna about the situation and while Lorna once to go half cock to save the rest of the Xmen, Jean decides that they need help opening the Xavier Files a registry of mutants the Professor has been monitoring. On the island itself the Xmen find themselves in the lair of Mr. Sinister with the mutants who attacked them being his Chimeras, genetically engineered mutants that he has been building in secret. Vulcan his perfect specimen was made with Summers DNA which is what confused Charles original scan. The living Island is one of Sinister’s experiments Krakora, a monstrous mutant organism born from experimentation on Celestial dna(See Eternals). Sinister then begins experimenting on the Xmen seeking to add their unique gifts to his collection of abilities. One of the scientist Moira McTaggart from the earlier scene is revealed to be alive and helps tended to the wounded Xmen. Jean and Lorna manage to gather a team of heroes including former acolyte Colossus, mutant runaway Bobby Drake, Kurt Wagner a mutant the Xmen tried to save in an early scene who ran due to Lorna’s abilities, Warren Worthington an original Xman who left the team because he wasn’t interested in being a hero and the mysterious Laura. With this impromptu team the Xmen travel to Krakoa to rescue the others
  • averywilliams The new Xmen team arrive on the island and immediately are attacked by it, but are easily overcome it with Bobby and Lorna’s abilities disrupting its ability to function. Sinister sends his Chimera to eliminate them and the team gets into a massive fight with them. The captured Xmen are freed by one of the captured scientist Moira McTaggart and join the fray minus Hank who has been brutalized by the encounter. The Xmen manage to defeat the Chimera and Sinister recognizing a loss flees. Vulcan the last Chimera standing kills his fellows devouring their energy to fight the Xmen and draws direct power from Krakoa itself to become stronger. As he demolishes the massive group of assembled heroes, Scott who is immune to his energy powers takes control of the team and mounts an offensive to defeat him while Jean, Charles and Betsy lobotomize and put the living island asleep. Sinister destroys his labs and all traces of his work and the Xmen return to their normal lives.
  • averywilliams Scott puts to rest his search for Alex, rededicating himself to the Xmen and the work they have to do. The expanded team disbands with Psylocke, Angel and Beast leaving for various reasons. Charles is determined to do more for the mutant community moving to establish the Xmansion as not just a haven for young mutants but a place of learning, beginning the seeds for New Mutants.
  • averywilliams The first post credit scene involves Moira McTaggart going over stolen data from Sinister’s labs to a figure revealed to be Mystique revealing that she is Polaris mother as well as revealing that \Scott and Alex are also Chimera(Hence where Sinister got summers DNA). The 2nd post credt scene involves Vulcan still alive at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by a cocoon of energy and evolving into something different

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