Cody (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteShawn (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteGeoff (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteBridgette (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteEllody (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteGwen (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteScary Girl/Lauren (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteCrimson (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteJulia (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteScarlett (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteJustin (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteJasmine (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteSierra (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteLightning (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteDuncan (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteCourtney (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteDawn (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteAnne Maria (Total Drama)
Cast Your VoteThis story does not allow roles to be added.
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