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2 comments on The Adventure: Episode Five

  • accaffrey Charlie's crew is getting quite big now, with three new editions in just a little over a week. Even though the mobster kingdom is still so far away, Charlie feels a great amount of hope with his newfound friends. Eventually, a few weeks after Sheriff Birch joined them, the group comes across a camp set-up next to a lagoon. They ask around, and are informed by a young woman named Leader Hailey that this is a sisterhood of healers and bringers of good fortune whose town was destroyed by the same Mobster Army Charlie was going after. So, the Sisterhood had to set up camp by the lagoon, Hailey is the leader, and is having a difficult time convincing her fellow sisters to stay positive. Fortunately, that's what Charlie naturally does. Around the fire pit, he raises team morale and befriends Leader Hailey. They allow him and his party to stay as long as they need. That night, while they're all asleep, a group of the mobsters including King Castello drive in to the camp and attempt to set fire, which traps two sisters (Bella and Laura) in a burning travel shack. But with a little bit of team work, Charlie, Leader Hailey, Fiskellio, Dr. Pepperdawn, and Sheriff Birch are able to save the two right before the hut collapses. The Sisters explain they are forever in their debt. The next day, before Charlie's gang begins to take off, Leader Hailey says that "they could really use a healer on their quest". And with that, Hailey promotes Sister Bella to leader before leaving with the adventuring party, ready for whatever may come next.

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