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1 comment on Team fortress movie

  • shutupdumbass actually this is the script:it all started in the 19th century zephian mann and his wife had children but unfortunately the mother died in childbirth and their children were redmond and bluetartch and gray mann however gray man at birth already knew how to speak through his mother's uterus zephian mann wanted to kill gray man but an eagle took him away gray mann causing redmond and bluetartch to grow up without knowing about gray mann when redmond and bluetarch became 18 teenagers years zephian mann and his family traveled to new mexico to buy the land, however they discovered that the gravel pits and deserts had no use also zephian mann suffered from lung cancer so before he died he left a will to distribute his precious possessions to his servant elizabhet left her estate including all the deeds, the accounts and debts, her tobacco plantation and the remains of her fortune to her two imbecile sons bluetartch and redmond she leaves them companionship all the lands she bought when she was convinced there they will be distributed equally then the mann brothers had an unstoppable fight they hired mercenaries after the years and now they are 234850 years old because they are stay alive by the life extension machine and fight for those lands saxton hale is the new ceo of mann co of the company of the two brothers but the mann brothers are still fighting for the land and for mann co when the brothers turned 22340 years old they talked about their conflicts if they could end the endless fight but their missing brother gray mann showed up with his brothers that he never saw and murdered bluetartch and redmond and then made saxton hale lose his job at mann co and now saxton rehired the mercenaries to finish off gray man since gray mann and his group of minions they plan to conquer thousands of countries

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