When you picture things that cute little girls wear, what comes to mind? Pink dresses? Flowers? Or maybe a big bow on her head? That last one is what this trope is all about. Ribbons and bows are used as shorthand for several character traits, primarily youth, innocence, femininity, and cuteness. A female character wearing a bow is not enough. To properly qualify for this trope, the presence of the bow has to represent one of the above qualities.
Fan Casting
Sarah Gilbertson (Postman Pat)
Aya Drevis
Samantha Parkington
Minnie Mouse
Webby Vanderquack
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Daisy Duck
Snow White
Webby Vanderquack (2017)
May Duck (DuckTales)
June Duck (DuckTales)
Claudie Wells
Marie-Grace Gardner
Cécile Rey
Kirsten Larson
Nellie O'Malley
Ruthie Smithens
Maryellen Larkin
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