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3 comments on Lessons In Chemistry

  • eroheroh Oh yes, this thing is very interesting and i also would say that valuable, especially for me, as i actively try to learn Chemistry, especially i like Forbidden Chemistry. Learning forbidden chemistry, which refers to studying unconventional or taboo areas of chemistry, can offer a unique and valuable perspective in the world of science and innovation. While traditional chemistry has led to numerous advancements, delving into forbidden chemistry can stimulate creative thinking and potentially uncover new insights and applications. By pushing the boundaries of what is known and accepted, learners of forbidden chemistry may stumble upon groundbreaking solutions to real-world problems that might have been overlooked by conventional approaches. This pursuit encourages out-of-the-box thinking, fosters a deeper understanding of chemical principles, and could lead to the development of revolutionary technologies. However, it's essential to approach forbidden chemistry with caution and ethical responsibility, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge remains safe, legal, and aligned with societal values
  • amanorobert Yeah with such a perfect cast, this movie will be quite brilliant and very interesting to watch for sure. I think i would watch it
  • alexhunter I'm glad they started showing it. I've been eagerly anticipating this. The main character does a fantastic job portraying a scientist who battles the system. In her show, she not only demonstrates recipes but also explains the chemical processes involved in cooking, enlightening homemakers. It still amazes me that there were cases of discrimination not too long ago, not in the Middle Ages, but just a couple of generations back. I wanted to take a break, it only reminded me of my chemistry assignment, and I'm not ready yet. I'd like to watch the series, but I'll have to study. Maybe someone knows a good resource to help? I've already found, but I haven't checked how good they are yet. Although they claim to help understand how everything works, I know I can't do it alone. I hope I can figure it out and submit everything on time.

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