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4 comments on I'm Sorry

  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 So...if you saw the, it's not a time travel thing. I'm gonna explane it
  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 so these flashbacks won't be part of the whole movie (kinda), we actually gonna have these flashbacks along the movie, but just flashbacks about the kid, showing him getting bullied in school and those stuff and in the end we would discover that these flashbacks were actually from Carl and all those flashbacks would show to us, how he bacame, along the years, more and more bitter. And, at the end, the movie would show flashbacks of him as an bitter adult been more and more rude to his wife and that leads to the moment where Carl and a pregnant Sarah would be discussing in the car, that would make then to crash and because of they would lost their son and Sarah would divorce with Carl in the flashbacks
  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 And the end of the movie would be implied that the Monsters were actually parte of Carl's mind (Just like the kid).
  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 The kid would be Also part of Carl's imagination and he would be guiding Carl to Sarah's house and the film would ends with Carl saying "I'm Sorry" to Sarah

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