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9 comments on Horror Mansion

  • misterwolf @nickienicks @castingsinmyblood @otsutsuki @mirandaandmariah @xxx_fallengalaxyxxx @samanthaharmon @thepinkmenace and @robertcooper Alright guys. So before you dive into Horror Mansion, I just want to say to any Brian Barczyk fans that if they didn't know, then it's with great sadness and regret that I tell you this. Unfortunately, Brian passed away four days ago. And it really, really sucks. The next story I'm going to do is going to be a dedication to his memory, and it's going to be the sequel to The Marksman. The reason it's going to be dedicated to his memory is because it's gonna about Sasha Calle's character in that one trying to honor her father's legacy, and that's exactly what Brian's son is trying to do for his dad. Please give your regards to Brian's family and his crew on YouTube, and yes, you can prove I'm right by looking at the community posts of his channel and its latest video that came out today. Anyways, enjoy! And rest in peace and proudness, Brian! 🙏🙏🙏

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  • misterwolf Plot: Following a discharge from service and returning to her deceased parents' house, ex-navy AIRR Brianna Ortiz has become increasingly unsettled due to the death of her husband and her post-traumatic stress disorder. After receiving numerous threats from the South Carolina state that it will wrongly take away her daughter Kaylee due to its belief that people with health disorder do not deserve to raise children, Brianna decides to move out of the state with her.
  • misterwolf However, Kaylee hears strange echoes from all over the house, and after she tells Brianna, they both realize that something is inside the house. Brianna quickly calls a paranormal investigation team, consisting of her friend and retired superior Donald Quinn, his best friend Jonathan Wilders, preacher Danny Wilson, second-in-command Robert Fredericks, and Don's wife Sarah, and led by Professor Frank Tucker.
  • misterwolf The team offers her a place in their ranks, and she eventually agrees, realizing that she needs money to leave the state and to file a lawsuit against it for threatening her daughter's life. In the locked bedroom of the house, which was the bedroom of Brianna's parents, is entered by Fredericks, who is swiftly killed by an unidentified ghost. His screams echo from across the top floor and it startles everyone, indicating that the team is now aware of his death. Wilson is gravely injured and is forced to lie down in Brianna's bedroom, as it is the only safe place within the house, while Quinn, who was climbing a ladder to search the attic, is suddenly killed as well, upsetting Sarah.
  • misterwolf Kaylee becomes frightened when she witnesses a demonic entity attacking Sarah, and when it overpowers Brianna after she prevents it from killing Sarah, a recovering Wilson saves her and draws the creature away with a torch. Finally coming face-to-face with the ghosts of her parents, Brianna becomes cornered and is out of power within her gear; she is saved at the last minute by Kaylee, who had previously grabbed the gear of Fredricks, whose ghost had almost killed her. She then empties the gear and resupplies her mother's with the resources required for both, before they reunite with the remaining team.
  • misterwolf On what Brianna, who does not expect for herself, Kaylee, and the team to survive, believes to be the final night, is approached by the same demonic entity Kaylee encountered. It eventually attacks her, and it subsequently injures her left leg; after Kaylee fails to save her mother from it and she is knocked unconscious, the creature reveals itself to be Quinn himself, having masqueraded as a ghost hunter. He adds that the real Quinn died a few years after Brianna was discharged, and also unmasks himself as the killer of her parents. Wilson fails to exorcize Quinn and send him to Hell, but he gives Brianna his cross and tells her to press it to her own head before he is also knocked out. As she places the cross on her forehead, the ghosts of her parents, the real Quinn, and Fredericks appear, and witness several flashbacks from the cross that the possessed Quinn had, in fact, killed and manipulated them. Realizing the truth, they stab Quinn and use the cross to paralyze him, and then drag him away as Brianna and a reawakened Wilson carry Kaylee out of the house and escape with Tucker.
  • misterwolf In the aftermath, Brianna is paid, and she files the lawsuit she planned against the state, before leaving it and departing for a new life with Kaylee just as the end credits roll.
  • misterwolf End Credits (with Metallica's "Enter Sandman"): Written and Directed by David Fincher | Produced by M. Night Shyamalan | Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer | Produced by James Wan | Edited by Kirk M. Morri | Story by John Carpenter | Executive Producer: Ridley Scott | Executive Producer: David Fincher | Executive Producer: James Wan | Costumes Designed by Michael Wilkinson | Visual Effects by John Knoll | Choreography by Rob Marshall | Cinematography by Roger Deakins | Music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross | Casting by John Papsidera, CSA | Starring David Arquette | Sasha Calle | Isabella Sermon | Charles Parnell | Ethan Hawk | William Baldwin | with Nicole Kidman | and Michael Douglas | A Co-Production Between Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Sony | Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing | A Film by David Fincher | HORROR MANSION
  • misterwolf Cast: Sasha Calle as Brianna Ortiz | David Arquette as Donald "Don" Quinn | Isabella Sermon as Kaylee Ortiz | Charles Parnell as Jonathan Wilders | Ethan Hawk as Danny Wilson | William Baldwin as Robert Fredericks | Nicole Kidman as Sarah Quinn | Michael Douglas as Professor Frank Tucker

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