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1 comment on GIRL FIRENDS

  • rhyder_hawkman27 Full Plot Summary: Following a recent breakup, uptight straight woman Alice concludes that every relationship she's had with men throughout her life seems to all end in disaster. When a friend jokingly suggests that she'd probably have better luck dating women instead, she decides to give it a try despite not really being comfortable with the idea considering that she came from a close-minded upbringing and though she is a little curious, she never had the courage in the past to follow her curiosity. But it's not too long before Alice suddenly crosses paths with Kimmy, a free-spirited and sexually adventurous freelance artist who is the complete opposite of Alice in every way. Intrigued by Kimmy's carefree lifestyle, cool attitude and spontaneous humor, Alice puts on the act of being an in-the-closet lesbian (mostly because she doesn't have the heart to tell Kimmy that she's not really gay) and the two eventually develop a close friendship with Kimmy obviously being attracted to her and even sharing some loving, intimate moments with her. However, Alice begins to question everything she knows about herself when she suddenly realises that despite her apparent lifelong heterosexuality, she is legitimately falling deeply in love with Kimmy and doesn't know what to do, and things become more complicated when certain people from her past start showing up to cause drama.

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