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1 comment on Fear and Shame

  • thecookieprincess During his time at the nightclub, Arthur meets Samantha-a woman with whom he strikes up a conversation. Samantha turns out to be bright, smug, talkative and intelligent. After a year of a wonderful relationship, they get married. However, after a few weeks, Arthur gets to know the true face of Samantha - she is bossy, pushy and cruel to him. If he doesn't give her what she wants most - money - she beats him up and blackmails him. Arthur begins to live in fear, afraid to report it to the police for fear of being laughed at for letting a woman beat him, afraid to defend himself because he knows that Samantha will use the smallest bruise against him, and no one will believe him because, after all, ‘he is a man’. During a hard day at work, his colleague-Emma-notices a sizeable bruise under his eye and asks what happened. Disheartened, he replies that he got the bruise unintentionally by hitting his head. Emma, however, doesn't let up, seeing the fear and sadness in his eyes and hearing it in his voice. During a break, she asks him to go with her to the back room to talk about everything. He finally agrees and talks about his wife bullying him. Instead of laughing at him, Emma decides to fight him for justice. They both report it to the police. When Samantha finds out about everything, she tries to fake the truth by getting bruises and claiming to the police that he was beating her and she was just defending herself. Emma sides with Arthur and decides to help him fight for his good name.

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