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2 comments on Avengers Modern Warfare 2007

  • disneymaster1901 What's the plot of this story?
    • fireboy3600 @disneymaster1901 In 2006, a civil war breaks out in Germany between its government and Hydra. Meanwhile, a separatist group led by Ophelia Sarkissian, who holds anti-Western views, seizes power in Berlin in Europe through a coup d'état. In response, the United States invades the country. A platoon of U.S. Marines from 1st Force Recon Co, led by Lieutenant Vasquez, fail to capture Ophelia Sarkissian and later engage in urban combat in a nearby city with support from an M1 Abrams tank. Meanwhile, new Avengers operator Clint "Hawkeye" Barton is recruited into Captain America's team, which conducts two operations; the first leads them to infiltrate a cargo ship in the Bering Strait. Neutralizing the armed Terrorists on board, the team secure a nuclear device labeled in German. Enemy MiGs scuttle the ship, but the Avengers escapes by helicopter. The second operation tasks the Avengers with rescuing an ally, a Russian informant named Yelena working within the Hydra party. Assisted by German loyalist forces, The Avengers extracts Yelena. However, their helicopter is brought down, forcing the team to make their way through enemy territory with support from an AC-130 gunship before they are extracted. Intelligence gathered from these two missions indicates that Ophelia may be in possession of a German nuclear device. The U.S. launches a full-scale assault on Ophelia's presidential palace, aware of the possible nuclear device. As SEAL Team 6 raids the palace, the USMC engage Ophelia's ground forces. However, the assault ends in catastrophe when the nuclear device suddenly detonates, wiping out most of the city along with everyone in it. Refusing to assume Ophelia, The Avengers, supported by SHIELD raids a safe house in Azerbaijan where they locate and capture Ophelia. During the interrogation, Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD answers Ophelia's phone before executing her, revealing that the caller was the leader of Hydra: Red Skull. Captain America refuses to believe that he survived World War II as he remembers the Red Skull being blown but Nick Fury reveals that in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Red Skull profited from nuclear proliferation and used his new wealth to lure Soviet Army soldiers to form his Hydra party, It's also revealed that he was in talks with people named Justin Hammer, Samuel Sterns and George Tarleton. Fury and his father were ordered to assassinate Red Skull in Pripyat, Ukraine in 1996, where Fury fired upon Red Skull with a sniper rifle from a hotel; however, the shot only severed Red Skull's arm but it landed on the gasoline box and it killed most people in the area except for Sterns and Tarleton. Nick and Jack barely escaped Red Skull's forces. Following Ophelia's death, The Avengers team hold off against Hydra forces who arrive to avenge her. A joint task force composed of the Avengers, SHIELD, Force Recon and German Loyalists then attempt to capture the god of mischief, Loki, to learn Red Skull's whereabouts. After ambushing him, Loki flees but is cornered on the roof of an apartment building. Refusing to surrender, he escapes into space and isn't seen again. Enraged, Red Skull retaliates by taking control of a nuclear launch facility. An operation is launched by the task force to take back the site. Red Skull sends Emil Bolonsky to stop the Avengers but Bruce Banner, Turning into the Hulk for the first time, and with the help of Iron Man, Thor and the Military However, Red Skull promptly launches nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles at the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, with the potential of causing 41 million casualties. The Rest of the Avengers and SHIELD manage to breach the facility and remotely destroy the missiles over the Atlantic Ocean. They escape in military trucks with Red Skull's forces in pursuit. An Hydra Mi-24 Hind helicopter destroys a bridge and traps the joint force. In the ensuing fight, a tanker explodes, and many of the group are either killed or injured. Red Skull himself arrives and begins killing wounded soldiers when arriving loyalists in a Mi-28 Havoc destroy his Mi-24 Hind. Distracted, Red Skull turns to the loyalists and Steve gives a pistol to Clint, who kills Red Skull and his escort. SHIELD forces, along with Iron Man, Thor and Banner start tending to the wounded immediately. In the post Credit Scene, Two doctors are holding a body onto a machine and a the doctor says it's time.

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