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Forums » Issues » Troll Alert #29!!

If you want to maintain the integrity of your history, block the Lordhyperbrath ( Martianmanhunter02
(, so that you are not trolled by these accounts. If you want a fair vote on your stories, block these accounts. martianmanhunter02 and lordhyperbreath. If you have created a story in which they have participated you will know the irregularities, considering that the martianmanhunter admitted that the lordhyperbreath account is a troll.
Again with your pathetic lies. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, but you have repeatedly shown that you are in denial about how much of a troll you are. Your arguments and "facts" lack any substance and are easily destroyed what put to logical scrutiny. To anyone who wants to have the full story and not the half truths that this troll presents, go here and see a breakdown of his behavior that he will constantly deny:
False. In the first place I am not saying that because I say it is true, I have presented several questions to your excuses which are only based on what is convenient to maintain your farce. Everything I accuse you of is based on logic, a simple observation of your suggestions and lordhyperbreath's vows, is simple observation. 1. you are a hypocrite, because you only defend yourself by insulting and attacking aggressively, I have seen all the threads in which you participated, you cannot speak civilly, everything you take to a drama in forums. You are a hypocrite because you use both accounts, and you lie saying that he is a friend who left his opinion of him, without his own will that only serves to vote yes on your suggestions. 2. Troll, which is verified by simple observation in your activity and in their activity. 3. Thank you, you gave a beautiful definition that defines you perfectly, you go to the recent stories and make your suggestions, exactly in less than a minute you have another vote (lordhyperbreath), that is abuse. You have an advantage over other users with your accounts, which is not fair, so the abusive is you, not me.
you are the liar and your arguments that only reveal your lies and your excuses, if you want to know the truth go to the thread that started it all and read the whole story no more lies of this troll, (
(1) So you admit that you are only asking questions to maintain your farce? That is what is called a Freudian slip. So you have now not only admitted to being a troll, but you have also just admitted that this entire "noble troll" image you try to project is a farce. This suggests that my original theory that this is personal to you just became much more likely. (2) I don't think you understand what a hypocrite is. It is not hypocritical for me to attack and discredit someone who has made a habit of ruining my suggestions. to be a hypocrite one needs to have violated a standard that you impose on others (for examples see most politicians in 2020, especially US governors). You are also outright lying that I "cannot speak civilly". Clearly you have no understanding of circumstances and how to read posts. You also ignore half of the posts I make. The drama I have been involved with in the forums has almost always been started by other people. When it comes to drama, I try to resolve things peacefully, but sometimes a more aggressive tone is required (with people like you, for example, who consistently refuse to see reason to the point that it gets very annoying). As for lordhyperbreath, I do not control how other people vote. How other sane people vote is entirely up to them. If lordhyperbreath wants to vote positively on my suggestions then that is his decision. I can only control what I do with my own account. And what I do is what every other sane user does. (3) To address your string of baseless accusations: I do not control lordhyperbreath. And you saying that I am lying about him being my friend is a perfect example of you saying that something is so simply by virtue of the fact that you said it. (4) Your second official point is yet again baseless and you have yet again failed to substantiate your position. (5) It is a beautiful definition. One that does not apply to me. You base your claim that "dEfInEs YoU pErFeCtLy" one your false presupposition that I run lordhyperbreath. I don't. I have no more power than any other user. You should really stop trying so hard to destroy me because every time you do you just expose yourself for what you really are and anyone with half a brain can see right through you.
False. In the first place I am not saying that because I say it is true, I have presented several questions to your excuses which are only based on what is convenient to maintain my farce. Everything I accuse you of is based on logic, a simple observation of your suggestions and lordhyperbreath's vows, is simple observation. 1. you are a hypocrite, because you only defend yourself by insulting and attacking aggressively, I have seen all the threads in which you participated, you cannot speak civilly, everything you take to a drama in forums. You are a hypocrite because you use both accounts, and you lie saying that he is a friend who left his opinion of him, without his own will that only serves to vote yes on your suggestions. 2. Troll, which is verified by simple observation in your activity and in their activity. 3. Thank you, you gave a beautiful definition that defines you perfectly, you go to the recent stories and make your suggestions, exactly in less than a minute you have another vote (lordhyperbreath), that is abuse. You have an advantage over other users with your accounts, which is not fair, so the abusive is you, not me.

This is the original quote so you can't try and cover up your Freudian slip via editing.
You continue to lack substance. The "lies and excuses" that you refer to are your previous blanket-statements that you hope nobody will challenge you on. And by all means go to that thread. You'll see every time that this troll has lied about me and every time that he confesses to trolling me UNJUSTLY. You'll see his claim that I can't speak civilly debunked in the first post alone. jeremyniles and his web of lies will be exposed. Also, bear in mind when reading that jeremyniles admitted that the entire thing is a farce, so read everything he says through the lens of skepticism.
1. I asked the questions to expose your charade, since all the answers you give are totally convenient for you and your other account, I already explained it, this is not personal, if it were personal, it would be many accounts, and not even I would answer I would answer you what shows that the point and the personal attacks against me are not true. 2. If you are a hypocrite you call yourself an honest user, even though you are a troll, again I resort to the simple observation test of this martianmanhunter02 and that of the lordhyperbreath, and you continue only with insults and personal attacks. And the other point, you do not try to solve it peacefully, you only attack the users, and if you are at fault in the troll account lordhyperbreath, since according to the time difference in which the votes are made, it is extremely close, I resort to the other users, who made their suggestions or created stories, in which you participated, and see the time difference between the suggestion and the vote. 3. You say you don't use lordhyperbreath, but why should we believe in you? just because you say so. because everything points to you being the troll. 4. You do not present evidence of what you say, you just say it and think that because you say it is true, the truth is that you are a liar. 5. Yes, you have more power than others, because it is an unfair advantage, anyone who uses the site can see that you are actually the troll.
If you viewer wants to read the truth, read the threads created by this troll, the violence with which he moves on this site, I do not ask you to believe in my truths, go and review these accounts and incidentally the excuses presented by this user , and decide if he is a troll or not, for my part, I do not intend to respond to this user, since it only turns the matter around. Find your own truths, please, check these accounts and decide.
And you have just exposed yourself as a total joke. I have never threatened violence on anyone on this site. I have passionately disagreed. Sometimes things have gotten heated. But I have never threatened violence on anyone. This means that you are referring to disagreeable speech. As any rational person will tell you, speech is not violence. The only people that do are simultaneously the laughing stock to rational thinkers. I have not turned matters around. You made a baseless accusation. I countered with facts that you didn't like because they exposed what you were really doing. Thus you prove yet again that you are a hypocrite by doing exactly what you claim to be against. And the last bit that completely destroys any credibility that you might have had is your use of the phrase "my truth" and "your own truths". It is nonsensical and one of the most intellectually weak things to invoke. There is no "your truth", there is only THE truth. And that shows that nobody can take anything you say seriously because you just showed that you believe in subjective truth. So while it is not THE truth that I operate the lordhyperbreath account, it is YOUR truth. You're just trying to justify your childish actions to yourself. And this is why I warned you that you should have quit sooner. You have continued to bury yourself in your own intellectual grave.
You really lack coherence, and understanding. What I say is that others should neither believe you nor believe me, they should find out if you are a troll or not, and then they will accuse me, but until then your word is not worth it, since it is the only thing you have in your favor .
See, this is what you do. You just repeat what I say but without any reasoning behind it. This is literally how a stereotypical bratty child behaves. I asserted that you lacked coherence and understanding and then backed up my claims. Your only response to that was "nO, yOu LaCk CoHeReNcE aNd UnDeRsTaNdInG". Also, I love how you're not addressing the fact that you admitted earlier in this thread that your entire campaign against me is a farce, thus discrediting everything you have said against me.
Well, what you say only proves your ignorance, and your lack of understanding, this is not about me, because I do vote no on all your suggestions, and I vote yes on all other suggestions, that is clear, this is about the troll lordhyperbreath and you martianmanhunter02, which until now you have not presented evidence that you are not the troll, what is funny is that you defend your supposed friend and he does not even appear. The problem is that you only turn the matter around in something that is clear, and if you understood well, you would know that "my farce" did not match the coherence of what I was saying, so therefore I was wrong to write. and well that is what I have defended with evidence, resorting to simple observation, logic, and the activities that are presented in these accounts.
You only come to defend yourself by insulting and attacking like a child, and you call that arguments
You make clear yet again that by "logic" you mean "your truth". You have also tried to dodge my indictment of your irrational behavior and make a circular argument. As for him not speaking up, he has every right to not involve himself in your irrational drama-seeking crusade. And "my farce" matched perfectly with what you were saying. You are just trying to cover it up (quite poorly, I might add). You are a perfect example of the irrational people who believe in subjective truth. When you believe in subjective truth, any sort of rational thought is impossible because you can just redefine the rules as you go. Fortunately, reality doesn't work like that, but you don't seem to be capable of grasping that.
There you go again with ignoring the substance of what I said in order to twist what I say to the narrative that you're trying to build. And if rebutting and factually refuting you is attacking like a child to you, that makes it crystal clear that you lack an understanding of debate, argument, and the logical method.
You see it, you just go around, you do not present substantive arguments, or proven, you only insult and attack, thinking that this is about me, this is about you, of how ignorant you are behaving with this matter, that until now there is no proof that You are not the troll, so you should think about what is being talked about, stop thinking that this is about me, because I already said what I do and why I do it, which even you admitted, but you don't understand that until Now you have not said anything but anecdotes with your supposed friend, and regarding "my farce" it clearly has no coherence if that had been what I wanted to write, since in the first place who I was talking about was you, and your excuses, not me, you should stop behaving like a child, stop and think a little, this is about you, I do not believe in an alternate truth, which until now you do not understand, I am saying that other users see, whether you are a troll or not, that's it.
you have not refuted anything with evidence, you have only mentioned your activity outside the page, which is not relevant, since there is no way to prove it is true or false, what I am saying is that there is no evidence that is irrefutable of don't be a troll.
you have not refuted anything with evidence, you have only mentioned your activity outside the page, which is not relevant, since there is no way to prove it is true or false, what I am saying is that there is no evidence that is irrefutable of don't be a troll.

That is a straight-up lie, and anyone who bothers to read the forums will see that.