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Forums » Issues » antoniocratchjr

So...we need to talk about antoniocratchjr. Up until about three days ago I'd never heard of this guy. Then he comes out of nowhere and seems to hate me for some irrational reason. He created a story, Winning Awards of The MyCast Users of 2022 (, and in it he created a specific role, The Villainous Winner ( He put me in that role but naturally people downvoted me and voted forcez as the villain. He then DELETED the role and recreated it so he could have me as the villain. That was yesterday. Then today he went on my story, The Return of theoriginalmartian (, and simply commented "I hate you @theoriginalmartian". Has anyone else been the target of this creep's irrational hatred or does he have an obsession exclusive to me?
No, he hates a lot of people, including me. He's obviously young, do to the fact he actually showed his face, and I'm pretty sure he thinks he's the center of attention.
We should just block and report him.
I'm starting to think that his older brother just took over his account, *scoft.*
No that’s just forcez Doing identity theft again
ahh yes, your imaginary brother, who claims he doesn't know you and hates ya guts!!
What a --. Forcez should just be IP banned or something from this site.
We do have an IP banning system, but somehow he's managing to get back on using a different computer
The IP banning system needs to be like baning the network and its 5G IP address.
Apparently, the devs never heard of "coming back on a different device" Big eye-roll moment.
I thought he was a normal user like everyone else but, like William Stryker said, "You go down this road, you might not like what you find."