Known For

Lilita Ozoliņa is known for:

  • Anna Firling's Roads
    A tory based on classical theatre play "Mother Courage and Her Children" by Bertolt Brecht.
  • The Hero
    Andrey Kulikov goes to Paris to visit the grave of his great-grandfather, Andrey Dolmatov, who had been an officer in the White Army during the Russian Revolution. On the headstone of the grave next to his great-grandfather's, he notices the face of a young woman. Later, while walking through Paris, Andrey sees a woman, Vera, who looks just like the young woman he had seen on the headstone. And so begins the telling of two love stories, separated by three generations and one hundred years.
  • Tsoi
    15 August 1990. Viktor Tsoi, the Soviet Union’s most famous rock star, leader of the band Kino, a symbol of freedom and change, dies in an accident on a Latvian highway. The bus driver who was involved in the tragic accident will bring his body back to Leningrad. A party of mourners – Tsoi’s wife and her new boyfriend, his mistress, his producer, his young son and an obsessed photographer – are part of the trip back. This is going to be a long trip, the perfect occasion for an agonizing unravelling of love, jealousy, ambition, and greed.

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