Fan Casting Mr. Wolf as Madysonroth in Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't

madysonroth made this fan casting suggestion on July 12, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Mr. Wolf as Madysonroth in Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't

Mr. Wolf

32 years old
Moe, better known as Mr. Wolf, is the main character of The Bad Guys. He is one of the four members and the leader of the Good Guys Club.
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Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't

Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't

Opinion poll
by JamesEnglebert
Just what the name says. Characters don't have to be universally hated, they can just have a large group who aren't fans.
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0 comments on Mr. Wolf as Madysonroth in Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't

Mr. Wolf has been suggested by fans for 78 roles on myCast, including Wolf in Fictional animals by species. Similar actors include Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, and Mr. Shark. Mr. Wolf was suggested to play Madysonroth in Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't by madysonroth. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Luca Paguro, Misty (MLaatr), and Mei Lee. Mycast Users' fictional characters they like that most people don't has 13 roles, including Jamesenglebert, Themegacaster, and Leetheflea.

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