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Forums » Questions » Who are all the trolls, people who got banned

I know Forcez is one, but I just want to learn who were the people who did bad things, like when you name one, add what did they do wrong. Just curious nothing suspicious behind it.
One of the most notable ones are Zat01 and Klebologna. Both of them are trolls who had alternate accounts for their simping spree. Zat01 is simping for Selena Gomez and Scarlett Johansson, choosing them on roles of female characters rhat doesn't even fit the actresses, he even use a clone account to boost up his suggestion. And for Klebologna, he had at least 4 clone accounts that spams Finn Wolfhard everywhere
thecastjacker was one of the original trolls on this site. He constantly spammed the same bizarre castings on every story and then blew up at everyone who voted no on those suggestions. His favorite stories to haunt were Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Deadpool. I was the main user who was pushing back against him. He got banned after doxing me and threatening to hire a hitman to kill me. The admins (who actually did their job back then) removed all traces of my identity and I fixed the loophole that thecastjacker exploited.