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Forums » Questions » Request for Advice

Hello. I have several stories that are currently in private/accessible only to invited members mode, that I would like to make public in order to (a) get feedback on and (b) get other members' suggestions regarding casting (assuming they're reasonable suggestions, and not trolling), but I don't want those actors I have already picked to be usurped by other suggestions. Do you have advice? If I 'confirm' the various parts, does that mean other members can make additional suggestions without overriding my own choices? Also, is there a way I can replicate my stories so that they exist in private form (and can thus only be edited by me) and in a public form where all members can add casting suggestions (without be having to confirm any parts), without having to go through the whole process of making a brand new story? In other words, can I clone stories (for various purposes)? And if that's not yet a possibility, will it be something to think about for the future? Thanks for your time.
Hello, thank you for your question. As of now, there is not a way to clone a story. If you confirm a casting suggestion, it will show with a green check mark and other users will not be able to un-confirm it. They will still be able to make casting suggestions, but only the confirmed one will show on the main story page.