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Forums » Issues » We're gonna be screwed over.

jesselee is now on the top 5 on the suggestions leaderboard, if he get number one for adding by shoving suggestions into stories with suggesting things, we're all going to be f*cked.
And even worse, he's on the top 3 on the votes leaderboard.
This guy's just as insane as Aviagarwal (an old myCast troll from back in 2020 and early 2021, who was totally simping on LITERALLY EVERYTHING, even non-existent people by spamming and suggesting soooooo many people on roles on a Marvel Cinematic Universe story until he reaches the top leaderboards at the time)
Bad news, jesselee just surpassed @ricknee4ever for #3 spot, if he surpasses #2 or the #1 spot, we're all going to be f###ed.
And i also found out that he added random unrelated roles on other people's stories (example: there was an original story about romantic comedy made by a friend of mine, but then jesselee just started to add roles that doesn't even have anything to do with the stories such as roles of WWE divas, other celebs and even himself)
The only we way we can stop him and tell everyone about this spamming and block him as soon as possible.