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Forums » Issues » We gotta do something about these airline number bots.

What should we do with them, we can't trust them right?
I tried reporting them to the admins/mods. But those spammer bots just keep coming back and won't stop what they were doing.

So how can we get rid of these bots? Well it’s simple, we report them to the mods. If that doesn’t work, we’re gonna have to get rid of them ourselves (like, adding nonsensical roles on whatever they add, but sometimes that doesn't work and is somewhat a bad idea since what were dealing with is a bot account)
I hope something is done about these spammers too. Either by changing the captcha system to something bot-proof or having the mods and admins approve accounts in a wait list like the website Archive Of Our Own (AO3) does.
Yeah, i realized that the captcha system somehow changed after the Legion M collab. Maybe that explains why these bot accounts suddenly appeared and go wild in this site
And fyi, it's not just airline numbers, these bots sometimes spam other things like customer service, businesses, cryptocurrency, t-shirts, online assignments, houses/homes, etc. sometimes they promote online betting/gambling and even p0rn/prostitution
Likely unrelated, but I created this story based on the current issue on this site.
sometimes they promote online betting/gambling

Although the ones who always do this are those bot accounts from Vietnam since most of the airline spammers came from India but somehow changed their IP address to US

I just left for a few minutes and when i came back, the situation become even worse (if you wanna know what i'm talking about, just look at the main homepage of this site and see those spammer bots yourself)
They're back again, i thought that the spams began to slow down but turns out those phone number spammer bots are back for it again. Trying to ruin and flooding this website with their useless spams for god knows what
And one of em even have the guts to show themselves in the forums
Another update regarding those spammer bots: one of their accounts has spammed hundreds of those useless promos.