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Forums » Issues » trolls_b_gone

Have any of you been trolled by this or any other of the accounts? We must find a way to stop it and others. Is there other options to report it besides blocking the user (which I can't do now with trolls_b_gone_4)? We must get this message across to whoever is controlling the account because we shouldn't let our days be threatened by a hypocritically self-righteous poser on a fan casting site.
How amusing. Anyone who checks me out can see that the only people I troll are trolls. dylanemery is just a self-righteous troll who is butthurt that I called him on his trolling.
Look who's talking here. Did you write that comment while looking at yourself in a mirror? I know my comments and butthurt suggestions won't mean much to you, but I at least have suggestions (original or not), you have none.
You just proved my point. And you fail to mentally grasp the purpose of this account. I have my main account that I use for my own suggestions and stories. trolls_b_gone is an account that does not favor any user. It only exists to combat trolls LIKE YOU. You don't have to like it and you can use your false arguments all you like, but that (1) does not make you in the right and (2) just shows that you know that you are a troll. The ones who get the most defensive are often the ones who have the most to hide and the most to gain from smearing their detractors.
I just discovered that you have 7 accounts, is there an explanation?
I think I know who trolls_b_gone is.
This main account is what I mostly use. The others are for trolls that operate multiple accounts (or to send a message to trolls who threaten to crush this account). Ideally, the 6 others never have to be used, but they are there in case they become necessary for combating trolls (for example, a situation like the zat01 issue that happened a while back).