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Forums » Issues » Troll Alert #30

Everyone watch out for aaronkime!!! He’s a plague!!!! Affecting some of my stories!!!
Ok, listen, I like Zack Snyder, I think he’s a wonderful director. Hell, his Batman is one of my favorites. But Jesus, the symbolism can be over done, and sometimes even repetitive. And I don’t like how he makes Superman look like Jesus, because he’s not that, he’s meant to be a kind soul who’ll be there for you, not some man destined to die.
Watch out for this user too (, he spams Whoopi Goldberg everywhere
peytonthemartian is bothering me can you help me
Its okay for you to have your own opinion but a opinion is not a bannable offense. In my opinion i think Zack Snyder films look beautiful and has a real talent for that but he isn't very good at everything else in my opinion.