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Forums » Issues » Theryanreynoldsfan is at it again

Wow, so I post one casting on a story that is not even theirs and theryanreynoldsfan goes and mass downvotes one of my stories then blocks me
Not only that but he's literally spamming suggestions of this "Arianna Greenblatt".
Who is arianna greenblatt anyways
If you check her IMDb page, it says she was from Infinity War. But I really don't know her at all tbh. If this is some 20 year old user that has a thing for this younger actress, he should be removed.
I blocked this weirdo after he unsmaked my “spoiler” character on a cast i made.
Damn. So much rage for a kid lol.
True, and he must be the one that wrote the threat of wanting Hailee Steinfeld dead in the actor/actress collab page of @jpstudios11
He blocked me too, and yet, I haven’t done anything to him.
I agree with you on that. I know that theryanreynoldsfan hated megaty777 in the previous time.
Did you get some messages from them about your story?