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Forums » Issues » The Finn Wolfhard troll is back

So, when i looked at some recent stories i saw some guy suggesting baffling castings and when i dig upon it a little bit further, turns out crispycosmic AKA the Finn Wolfhard troll from back in 2020s has returned to this website.
Here's the accounts of him that i found so far:
1. Crispycosmic (
2. User_94079 (
3. User_79932 (
4. Cosmiccosmic (
5. Minebloxian1233 (
Proof: 5 of these accounts choose similar set of suggestions and are sometimes upvoting each other's castings.
And then all of them always choose Putriscool, Finn Wolfhard and other kind of baffling suggestions.
If any of you guys are reading this, please, block all of the accounts listed above so they won't ruin your stuff, and spread the message to the other users, let them aware of these trolls so that these trolls won't mess with other people's stories.

EDIT: it's now five of them.
I already blocked the three accounts, and it makes me wonder if they are either in cahoots with the Millie Bobby Brown upvoting trolls from earlier in the year or if they are not related to those trolls.
The MBB simps are from brazil. This Finn Wolfhard troll has been around since 2020 and is from US, they were banned during 2021 but somehow manage to come back again.
My bad on the location of MBB simps. Hopefully, the mods/admins can take care of them by banning them this time for life and not to mention finally not allowing disposable emails from creating accounts on the site.
Somehow, the Finn Wolfhard troll returned.
Thanks for the warning, I already blocked those guys.