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Forums » Issues » Simps with Clone Accounts

So, i just recently found this Luke Ina Goerisch person trending on the website. Apparently, some simps who are presumably a "fan" of the person in question are spamming the guy everywhere and vote on them so that their idol could came out on top:
I dunno if this is actually an attention seeker type troll similar to Imran Rifai, Ahmad Harhash, Alexx Sandoval and other attention seeking type spammers that were here before, so please don't do anything to the actor profile unless the one i said above was indeed the case.
Because when i looked at the kid's Instagram account, i see that there were several fanpage accounts of that kid and possibly all of these simp accounts on this website came from those "fan" accounts that i found on Instagram.

Here are the accounts in question:
If you guys see any of these accounts in your fancastings, BLOCK THEM. Because they were spamming to get their favorite idol on top and even confirming the casting. Those are probably the only simp accounts that i have found for now. Potentially, there's a chance that the simps could make more accounts, so be careful.
Thanks for letting us know and I hope this does not become another Ahmad Harhash from earlier in the year where this role get spammed multiple times.
Kinda off-topic but it's a similar case to this one:
The person in question was an indie actor, and back in 2020 or smt, there's several clone accounts spamming the said actor on several roles including the roles of Aang, Zuko and Sokka before the clone accounts were deleted. They were presumably fangirls of this indie actor, but their accounts has the surname "Kelley" in all of their usernames, so i began to assume that it was either a family or relative of this person.