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Forums » Issues » Sequence disordered in the roles

The sequence of the roles was disordered in the recent times after I revise back the roles with the function 'Custom Sort Roles'.

Sometimes I add the new roles after the revise, then all of the new roles moved to the front. I wish I know what the problem is.
Thank you, that should be fixed now!
There's the stories modified with 'Custom Sort Roles'. They're disordered again recently, some roles repeated several times. (2 largest ones, I have modified 3)
** Even if I modified to stable, weeks later those roles will returned unstable.
Yeah, the ordering of everything has been messed up, I've had to reorder some of my stories twice.
Can you provide more details about what happened? Were the roles in the correct sequence, and then they got rearranged? Did you add or delete any roles, or change the sort order, before you noticed they were wrong?
I've used 'Custom Sort Roles' for classifying the characters between the series. That's automatically messed without reasons, it's happened again for some days after I repaired. I have no any operations after the modifies.
During the situation, if I reload the URL, the roles messed as another look. The sequence is always moving until I edited with 'Custom Sort Roles'.
That's happened when the website is updated each time.
The issue causing this has been resolved. Thank you.