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Forums » Issues » Please stop mentioning and pinging me in the copypaste ping users comment thing. (Also I'm retiring from the site.)

I plan to retire indefinitely from the site and I dont want people to ping me thinking that I'll appear. Heres a new copypasta without my name. "@danibanani78 @batsonjacksont @megaty777 @bruhzilla2007 @pococrazy17 @justmike @accaffrey @avengersgirl @nathanbates @castingsinmyblood @enzomaroni @gordillio @biggord (same person, I know) @drdocter @optimusbro90 @dawnrooney27 @mystoreo___ @themegacaster @amario @chimmychangoose @benjombunud @jeshisthename @smurphys_law @zorionwhite @async @knightgrey @tomzillawash3r3 @benanderson @toonking1985"
woah im sorry, i didnt know about you wanting to retire. goodbye friend
So sorry to hear man, Hope you had some fun on this website.
Goodbye friend. And May the Force be with you!
I had no idea, I hope you have a wonderful retirement ❤️