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Forums » Issues » jesselee NEEDS to cut it out with this

Everytime I see 1, 2 or 3 stories in the trending section, at least one of them are trending for one reason: jesselee constantly adds cameo roles like 'Disney', 'Marvel' ect, in EVERY story he sees. No, i'm not joking. Recently, he JUST added crap that doesn't belong in Smash Bros. Infinity. He added literal movies in stage sections. I told him to please stop twice, but he just ignored me. PLEASE block jesselee if you see him vote on your stories, because he will most likely shove cameo roles in your story, something like Bruce the Shark (Finding Nemo) as Doctor Octopus or something
I know, and even another user has created a story about who is blocking them. On a personal note, I hope you don't mind that I added you to it.
WORD OF ADVICE: If you don't want Jesselee spamming your stories/roles and wipe away his suggestion, just block him on the story you want him out. Click "Edit Story" and add Jesselee to ""Blocked Users", and then his suggestions would be wiped out.
I did. I'm not mad at him for doing this to mine stories, but i'm mad at him for constantly doing it to everyone else. Imagine the person who made the story was so happy to see their story trending, just to find roles that shouldn't be there like 'Disney', 'WWE', 'Dreamworks" ect
then tell him to stop
I already blocked him for being a biased simp lol.
And not just a simp actually. Dude was downvoting some specific suggestions for whatever reason god knows what.
blocked him after trying to butcher one of my stories instantly
to the roles which were screwed by his own casting suggestions I decided to delete role and replace them
I want jesselee to be terminated from website.
Not only I want Jesselee to be terminated from website, I also want theryanreynoldsfan to be terminated from website.
I agree jesselee needs to be banned from website for good. Jesselee also needs to delete the account.
Go away, Jesse!
Yeah! robertcooper and the rest my friends are going to terminate jesselee!! It looks like jesselee had enough of this!
I want jesselee to be banned from website for good!
I want jesselee to be banned from website for good!

Unfortunately, you need to go too.
Bad castings that don't fit the characters, as well as having TOO MAINSTREAM actors in my castings that aren't welcome!
He put in too many roles in the wrong stories. So he needs to be deleting all the roles and closing his account.
He put in too many roles in the wrong stories. So he needs to be deleting all the roles and closing his account.