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Forums » Issues » Avi Agarwal has made new clone accounts

Some of his new clone accounts are named pococrazy17sucks, pococrazy17isgay, and nopenotme. On nopenotme, he keeps trying to defend casting suggestions on his other accounts by attacking other users. I recommend that you block all of his clone accounts if you do not want him to spam suggestions or cheat.
Oh no, not again. I don't want another war in this site again, thank you.
why should i ?? the only thing i'm scared of is you and kermit. both of you are dangerous
Beacuse you a troll

So are you, Serdiani Labi. And a quite lousy one at that.
Stop saying my name, you ****ing dick head
How am I dangerous?

Dude, my comment above is replying to forcez before his comment got deleted. He says "you scared of Aviagarwal?" to me, and i said "why should i scared of him?