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Forums » Issues » A Rant (for the better of this website)

I just literally can't f*cking stand these dumbass spammer accounts. They were annoying, they piss me off, they make no sense and they need to be eradicated from this website! For those who don't know, these spammers become wild all of a sudden like those airplane spammers and the customer service printer idiots back in 2022 by spamming more and more nonsensical promos and they're doing it every second, and it's seriously driving me crazy!
They went from airplane number promos and customer service helpline promos to a bunch of Light Yagami wannabes or whatever the hell those Indian and South African spellcaster bullsh*t was.

These Indian Light Yagami wannabes are driving me nuts, and they seriously need to be banned from this website, PERMANENTLY! Because i know that they're gonna came back a day after they got banned and doing the same mass spamming on the website for god knows what.
My predictions tells me that these guys are gonna spam this website with spellcaster promos EVERY. F*CKING. SINGLE. DAY. So that means we, as in EVERY SINGLE of myCast users here are gonna have to go through hell again like the airline and customer service numbers spams situation a year ago.

Seriously, I hate it that whenever anyone tries to make this a good website, the spam bots come in and ruin the fun for all of us. This used to be a fun place, then a bunch of these scammers came promoting their sh*t here, but it wasn't as bad until now. Now, this is getting to the point where these spammers dare to even post inappropriate promos and other ridiculous bullsh*t like what i described above.

MyCast really need to improve their banning user accounts system. Trolls, problematic users, clone accounts and spammers could easily came back even after they get banned, and they'll took advantage of that pattern so that they could freely spam and ruin this website and cause trouble in this website every chance they get!

This has become a serious problem for this website! This is why there are countless issues on the forums! Something has to be done about this! The admins/mods need to find some solution to fix this problem. Because this sh*t has gone on far enough, and pretty much all the other users here are all sick and tired of all this super chaotic madness.