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Forums » Issues » A new Troll

The user nnajsn ( has been DMing me death threats and just being an all around Idiot.
Seems to be the work of forcez or jonahthemanhunter.
I think it's not forcez and it's not jonahthemartian either, this is something new
I think it's not forcez and it's not jonahthemartian either, this is something new
In a previous post about this, forcez himself admits that he is indeed from Indonesia, while this nnnajsn dude is fully from the US. I think it could be Jonah AKA Michael Gary Scott. I mean, he really hated theoriginal martian and batsonjacksont so, or maybe he's forcez's worshippers who also happens to had some grudge on both martian and batsonjacksont ? i dunno

I actually think your right. He seems to be a mad worshipper of Forcez
Update he's back. He's using an Alt account. Now this is bad. Who knows how many alt accounts this guy has.