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Forums » Issues » A certain somebody is changing the bio of Zack Snyder

Once again, Zack Snyder’s bio has been changed once again. I think we all know for a fact who it is. Martian, if you’re reading this, which you probably are, please stop changing the bios of Snyder and the people who worked on his films. We get it, you don’t like him, but that’s no reason to change his bio over and over. I respect you as a user and all, but please stop. Also, please don’t respond in the form of a paragraph, it’s getting annoying.
I'm not changing Snyder's bio. Sure, I don't like his films, but I also respect other people's right to their opinions too much to change his bio. Also, changing the bio is petty and I honestly don't care enough to commit to something stupid like that.
Look, I wanna believe you, but every time you respond to me or someone else about it, Peter Guinness, Ray Porter, or Zack Snyder’s bio immediately changes.
It happened yet again.
but could someone fix zack's bio
I’ve already fixed it. I’ve fixed it four times by now.