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Forums » Feature Requests » Remove Ads

Ads are annoying and they should not be on a website like this. The experience on this website would be a lot better without ads. Having to use an Ad block is also annoying.
I briefly turned off my adblock to get rid of the popups, my antivirus immediately started going haywire....f**king NOPE!
This request is unreasonable. You cannot have a completely free website without a way to make money. Ads are the path of least resistance and anything after that will be far more frustrating I assure you. Websites without ads have other ways to make money including ways that involve selling your personal information for nefarious purposes, or they're unsustainable, or they have angels over their shoulders who are paid in very lucrative ways that allow them to sponsor a free service. MyCast does not have such an angel on its shoulder and if it wants to stay alive it doesn't want to be one of the first two.

A reasonable suggestion would be how to balance or reduce the need for ads. Recently there was a meeting where various members of the related MyCast discord community talked to a representative on MyCast, who was interested in ideas how to humanely monetize without depending on ads exclusively. One is being able to 'pay your keep' with a small subscription so that you don't need to deal with ads and still help the service run. Another is sponsorships which would include premium space on the front page and whatever else can work without damaging the community aspect of the site. These are suggestions that allow MyCast to stay running while reducing its dependency on ads.

If you use an adblock and do not contribute to the running of the site, financially or administratively, you are freeloading and that is its own problem. The conversation must be practical: how to have a good experience while allowing the lights to stay on. For the record, I hate ads for a multitude of reasons and am always in favor of alternative ways to support a site, including 'paying my way' with a nominal fee if I am particularly invested. The site gets more goodwill from me if I'm willing to stay and throw a few bucks a month then it ever will even if I allowed ads to bleed through.
Thankfully there is now a feature where you can have your story featured for a small fee. I don't think they need ads anymore.