Fan CastingUniversal monsters (Return)
by Myself, based on Universal studios classic monsters characters
Story added by ryanlindemuth on September 16, 2024
Not a Reboot, series of movies and crossovers that are in continuity with the original Universal Monster movies, set after the events of the final chronological movie The Mummys curse (taking place in 1967) so modern times.. movies may include:
The Bride Of Frankenstein Returns
The Mummys Cult (Kharis meets Imhotep and Ahmanet)
Children of Dracula (Alucard aka Baron Latos & Mayra Zeleska)
Return of the Phantom of the Opera
Ghosts of Notre Dame
The Phantom meets The Hunchback
The Invisible Man Meets Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Revenge of The Wolfman
The Mummy meets The Creature from the Black Lagoon
House of Jekyll & Hyde
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