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Forums » Issues » TROLL ALERT #28!

jeremyniles ( and meridian3224 ( have admitted in the public forums to being run by the same person with the sole purpose of trashing all of my suggestions. If you value the integrity of your stories and don't want to enable a bold and unashamed troll, block these accounts immediately!
If you want to maintain the integrity of your history, block the Lordhyperbrath and Martianmanhunter02 accounts, so that you are not trolled by these accounts.
If you want a fair vote on your stories, block these accounts. martianmanhunter02 and lordhyperbreath
You're so full of crap. I do not run lordhyperbreath. You have consistently ignored facts and logic in your bizarre vendetta against me. You lob accusations of circular arguments on my part but you have shown that you only know how to make circular arguments. You accuse me of being an "obsessed child", but you're the one who stalks all of my castings and downvotes them. You are a hypocrite, a bully, and a troll (by your own admission).
again, you only come with personal attacks, since you don't have solid arguments. you are the hypocrite, for denying the obvious that you have repeatedly remarked, with your participation in the different stories on this page. You are a bully because you are obsessed with taking advantage of other suggestions, and a troll because you run both accounts.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You talk in circles, most of the time just parroting what I say. All of your arguments break down to "No, YOU did! Why? Because I said so!" And none of what I said was a personal attack in the way that you try to paint it. All three of my attacks are accurate and based in facts. (1) Hypocrite. You do exactly what you claim to be fighting against (something which I have never done). By definition, that makes you a hypocrite. (2) Troll. This is the easiest to support. You admitted multiple times that you troll my suggestions. (3) Bully. Merriam-Webster defines bully as follows: "a blustering [speaking loudly and aggressively], browbeating [to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech] person especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable". Your forum posts have you pegged for arrogant speech and the last part of the definition fits you perfectly. Habitually cruel, insulting or threatening (habitually downvoting a specific person's suggestions, for example) to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable (myself being weaker and smaller given that I only have one account and you being stronger because you have at least two accounts). All that debunks your false premise that I don't have any solid arguments. I'm not a hypocrite and you have never given any specifics as to how I am a hypocrite. The middle part of your post is unintelligible (try reading a basic book on sentence structure and grammar). I'm not a troll because I do not operate lordhyperbreath. I'm just a normal guy with one account trying to have a good time on here. People like you ruin the experience for everyone.
False. In the first place I am not saying that because I say it is true, I have presented several questions to your excuses which are only based on what is convenient to maintain my farce. Everything I accuse you of is based on logic, a simple observation of your suggestions and lordhyperbreath's vows, is simple observation. 1. you are a hypocrite, because you only defend yourself by insulting and attacking aggressively, I have seen all the threads in which you participated, you cannot speak civilly, everything you take to a drama in forums. You are a hypocrite because you use both accounts, and you lie saying that he is a friend who left his opinion of him, without his own will that only serves to vote yes on your suggestions. 2. Troll, which is verified by simple observation in your activity and in their activity. 3. Thank you, you gave a beautiful definition that defines you perfectly, you go to the recent stories and make your suggestions, exactly in less than a minute you have another vote (lordhyperbreath), that is abuse. You have an advantage over other users with your accounts, which is not fair, so the abusive is you, not me.
(1) So you admit that you are only asking questions to maintain your farce? That is what is called a Freudian slip. So you have now not only admitted to being a troll, but you have also just admitted that this entire "noble troll" image you try to project is a farce. This suggests that my original theory that this is personal to you just became much more likely. (2) I don't think you understand what a hypocrite is. It is not hypocritical for me to attack and discredit someone who has made a habit of ruining my suggestions. to be a hypocrite one needs to have violated a standard that you impose on others (for examples see most politicians in 2020, especially US governors). You are also outright lying that I "cannot speak civilly". Clearly you have no understanding of circumstances and how to read posts. You also ignore half of the posts I make. The drama I have been involved with in the forums has almost always been started by other people. When it comes to drama, I try to resolve things peacefully, but sometimes a more aggressive tone is required (with people like you, for example, who consistently refuse to see reason to the point that it gets very annoying). As for lordhyperbreath, I do not control how other people vote. How other sane people vote is entirely up to them. If lordhyperbreath wants to vote positively on my suggestions then that is his decision. I can only control what I do with my own account. And what I do is what every other sane user does. (3) To address your string of baseless accusations: I do not control lordhyperbreath. And you saying that I am lying about him being my friend is a perfect example of you saying that something is so simply by virtue of the fact that you said it. (4) Your second official point is yet again baseless and you have yet again failed to substantiate your position. (5) It is a beautiful definition. One that does not apply to me. You base your claim that "dEfInEs YoU pErFeCtLy" one your false presupposition that I run lordhyperbreath. I don't. I have no more power than any other user. You should really stop trying so hard to destroy me because every time you do you just expose yourself for what you really are and anyone with half a brain can see right through you.
False. In the first place I am not saying that because I say it is true, I have presented several questions to your excuses which are only based on what is convenient to maintain my farce. Everything I accuse you of is based on logic, a simple observation of your suggestions and lordhyperbreath's vows, is simple observation. 1. you are a hypocrite, because you only defend yourself by insulting and attacking aggressively, I have seen all the threads in which you participated, you cannot speak civilly, everything you take to a drama in forums. You are a hypocrite because you use both accounts, and you lie saying that he is a friend who left his opinion of him, without his own will that only serves to vote yes on your suggestions. 2. Troll, which is verified by simple observation in your activity and in their activity. 3. Thank you, you gave a beautiful definition that defines you perfectly, you go to the recent stories and make your suggestions, exactly in less than a minute you have another vote (lordhyperbreath), that is abuse. You have an advantage over other users with your accounts, which is not fair, so the abusive is you, not me.

This is the original quote so you can't try and cover up your Freudian slip via editing.