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Forums » Feature Requests » Restrictions for new users who haven't verify their email address

I've been seeing this sometimes before. There are some restrictions for new users who haven't verify their email address. However, i think there needs to be new additional rules regarding this matter, such as:
1. New users will have to verify their email address before they can post something on the forums
2. New users will have to verify their email address before making a story (although i'm 50/50 on this, and you guys can disagree with this one if you want)
3. New users who haven't verify their email address should NOT be able to upload photos on talent profiles. This should be applied because like months ago, i saw some user who seemingly haven't verify their email address uploading inappropriate pics on female celebs.
4. New users who haven't verify their email address should not be able to add roles on stories.
I think that's all for today, i dunno if you guys agree with some of this, but i'm okay if you guys have another opinion regarding this.