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Forums » Issues » ummm...WHAT?

Sooo basically, me and some of my friends are being dragged into some kind of childish drama:
The role name is literally "Worst Users" and me along with some users who are long time friends of mine here and those who stays out of drama are also dragged into this. It's not the only time tho, one of my friends are being casted on villain roles on one of these guys' stories.

To clarify things up, i have no prior beef with the users who made the story in question, neither did my friends and some other users who got dragged in for no reason. AFAIK, these guys had some kind of beef with 3 other users or something for the past few months and made a series of stories about it (or maybe they were just messing around and these were just joke stories. But seriously, it's not funny).

Or maybe i was just overreacting and being sensitive because maybe these users only made these type of stories for.....role play stuff ? IDK, i'm confused.
Confused as well on this too. And I may also be overreacting and being sensitive here as well but I have a feeling that if it gets out of hand and that one of these days, we will lose the privilege to add users to stories on here.
Just in case the role got deleted, i archived it:
And yes, you can see the dude threaten @brettpalevich on the comments when being called out for what he did.
I hope the other mods/admins noticed this. I personally think deleting the story won't change anything, as these guys will make more similar stories like this and continue to drag other innocent users into this "drama" that's been going on for the past few months.

Again, maybe i'm just overreacting, but the way the story owner threatened @brettpalevich kinda tells me otherwise.
Geez, i hope i'm not on their hit list 💀.
Fr tho, i'm rarely active here and i really don't wanna be involved in some drama sh*t. Not after what happened 3 years ago
maybe you downvoted a bunch of their stuff and they took it personal. i am inexplicably blocked from a few user's profiles and i barely interact with anyone outside of up or down votes on random stories.
Like i said, i never had any beef with them and neither did i vote on any of their stuff. Although it seems that i'm being sensitive here and they just made this for jokes and roleplay. They were in some kind of drama with two other users for the past few months, which i was never involved in.